Friday, December 27, 2019

How RNA Is Making Personalized Medicine a Reality

How RNA Is Making Personalized Medicine a Reality How RNA Is Making Personalized Medicine a Reality How RNA Is Making Personalized Medicine a RealityFrom Buck Rogers to Star Wars, the idea of targeted, personalized medicine has been a science fiction dream for decades.The 2013 film Elysium, starring Matt Damon, took this concept a step further, featuring machines called Med-Bays that were capable of diagnosing, treating, and curing any disease or injury almost instantaneously based on the needs of each individual patient. In the Star Trek universe, throughout the long-running series various incarnations, high-tech medicine was the norm, with machines that could fix seemingly any medical problem that walked into the sick bay, automatically and precisely.Sadly, this level of care remains solidly in the realm of sci-fi. We dont yet have access to automated diagnosis machines or devices that can regrow broken bones, like those seen on TV and in the movies.But personalized medicine, as a broader concept, is very much becoming a reality, thanks in large part to work being done in the field of genetics. The menschenwrdig Genome Project, which fully mapped out the genetic code of human life and was completed in 2003, started this process by allowing researchers to, for the first time, identify and isolate disease risk factors on an individual basis, breaking down ur DNA into segments that can be analyzed and studied.It changed the scale of work as well. Before the genome was mapped, it would have cost as much as $5,000 and taken weeks for researchers to read a line of DNA a million letters long, which is the typical length of an individual DNA segment, in part because so much of the work was done manually at that point. With todays advanced tools, though, that same work now can be done in minutes and cost just pennies.RNA molecule. Image Wikimedia CommonsThe Role of RNABut DNA is only one step on the path to personalized medicine. Its RNA, ur ribonucleic acid, that hol ds the true vermgen to create real, targeted treatments like those seen in sci-fi. Thats because, unlike DNA that is hardwired at our birth and doesnt change much over our lifetimes, RNA is constantly in flux, reflecting our overall health on a minute-by-minute basis. The acid itself serves as a sort of messenger, carrying instructions from our DNA to control polypeptid synthesis and other activities, effectively turning the DNA roadmap into reality.Genes are our blueprints, not our destiny, says Dr. Sharad Paul, a New Zealand-based cancer surgeon and the author of The Genetics of Health, a survey of the role that our genes play in our day-to-day lives. Knowing our genes, or relevant ones, helps us take charge of our health. If DNA are our blueprints, RNA are the things that help implement the plan. RNA are more changeable and not as stable as DNA.Researchers are using this fact to develop new treatments that, until recently, would have seemed all but impossible. With RNA, doctors w ill soon be able to target treatments to individual patients, drug developers will be able to create new classes of drugs that address specific genetic populations, and practitioners will even be able to track treatment responses in real-time.Thats one potential application of personalized medicine that Dr. David Messina, COO of Cofactor Genomics, a biotechnology startup in St. Louis, MO, that is using RNA to diagnose disease, is particularly excited about. In the case of solid tumor cancers, such as lung cancer, the outlook for patients often is not great at the outset. Part of the challenge for treatment, then, is that front line therapies in behauptung cases are often chosen based on how effective they are in most patients, most of the time. They cannot currently be targeted specifically to each patient. So, if the front line treatment works, thats great. But theres a very high percentage of the time where the front line treatment doesnt work, and doctors are forced to move on to the next-most-common treatment and try again.In those cases youve spent a month or two on the wrong therapy and youve spent that money, because often these treatments are extremely expensive, Dr. Messina said. But then also that person has not gotten the right medicine for that length of time. In some cases they may not get another shot to try the next medicine that the doctor would try.By offering better insights into how the body is responding or not responding to a given treatment, Messina believes that doctors will soon be able to better determine whether or not the common front line treatment is the right one for a given patient, and even move directly to the second option is thats a better choice. Eventually, he hopes, medical science will be able to actually predict which treatment will be most effective ahead of time, enabling drugdevelopers to create targeted treatments to address genetically-similar populations in plus-rechnen to individual patients, vastly expanding the potential for drug efficiency.A Fast-Developing FieldAnother growth area for RNA-based medicine involves RNA interference (RNAi), which is the process by which RNA stops or inhibits protein creation by the bodys genetic code. Its a stop sign for our DNA, and its something that everyone on Earth has in their cells, regulating the amount of protein production and making sure the body does not overproduce anything that it needs.Given this natural behavior, RNAi holds a lot of potential for drug developers, who are working to harness the stopping power of this process to target specific proteins and address individual genetic risks in patients.There are a number of diseases where certain proteins are produced that are not the right protein, says Dr. Geert Cauwenberg, CEO of RXi Pharmaceuticals, a clinical-stage biotechnology company that is developing new therapies based on RNAi. That, of course, is the case in cystic fibrosis and Lou Gehrigs disease, ALS, where there is a misfolded pro tein being produced, and so you dont want that protein there.RXi Pharmaceuticals, and others, are creating RNAi tools to stop these processes, creating biological triggers that mimic the RNAi sequence in the patients body. By creating synthetic RNAi, doctors will soon be able to take over the role of the biological RNAi in the body, in case the patients body isnt doing the job properly, preventing these negative responses.Cauwenberg sees great potential in this technology to deliver personalized treatments for cancer, effectively relegating todays common treatments to medical history.I foresee that ten years from now, with the way progress has been made, chemotherapy is going to become the last resort, not the first resort, he says. So the survival rate in oncology in the next ten years is going to change dramatically.Tim Sprinkle is an independent writer. For Further DiscussionKnowing our genes, or relevant ones, helps us take charge of our health. If DNA are our blueprints, RNA ar e the things that help implement the plan.Dr. Sharad Paul, author of The Genetics of Health

Monday, December 23, 2019

Sales Jobs Available Without a College Degree

schlussverkauf Jobs Available Without a College Degreeschlussverkauf Jobs Available Without a College DegreeWhile many professional occupations require a very specific 4-year degree, many abverkauf positions require no degree at all. That said, there are several schlussverkauf industries, including the pharmaceutical industry that nearly always requires at least a 4-year degree. A very common question that job seekers, searching for a job in the sales industry asks is whether or not they need a degree for a career in sales. The Benefits of Earning a Degree As mentioned above, not all sales positions require that a job candidate have a 4-year college degree. However, having a degree on your resume can separate you from other job candidates when applying for a position that does not require a degree. Having a degree tells a hiring manager that you are serious about learning and probably will be better at learning critical skills that are required for the position. While the percept ion may not be true, having a college degree is often a sign of higher intelligence. Typical Sales Jobs That Do Not Require a Degree Though position requirements vary in each industry, some sales positions typically do not require a college degree. Retail sales positions, for example, often do not require a college education. Retail sales positions are often entry-level positions that people just getting into sales cut their teeth learning the art of sales. B2B Sales Several entrys of B2B sales positions that a college degree is not required include office supplies, some insurance sales positions, and several inside sales positions. Another industry that often does not require a college degree but does require industry-specific certifications is the IT Sales industry. Several sales professionals in the IT industry earned sales-centric IT certifications in lieu of a degree and have never regretted their decision. A Different Path If you are seeking a sales positions and d o not have a degree to add to your resume, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of getting a higher level position than what youd expect to be qualified for. One route is to earn a professional sales certification. The National Association of Sales Professionals, for example, offer a non-industry specific certification that looks great on a resume and shows a hiring manager that you are serious about sales and dedicated to the industry. Another option for non-degree holders is to attend specialized training events or programs. The more specific the event or training, the more impressed a hiring manager will be. Consult your local Chamber of Commerce to learn of any local sales training that you can attend and, of course, an Internet search will be certain to provide plenty of options for you to consider. Lastly, many hiring managers consider successful experience to be more important than an education. If you do not have a college degree and have an interest in earning one, make sure that you are a top performer in your current position. And if you are not in a sales position currently, then read some sales books, attend some sales seminars, hire a sales coach and learn everything you can about the industry that you wish to sell in. Passion is often a greater indicator of success than is education.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

You Can Reestablish Your Failed Dress Code Policy

You Can Reestablish Your Failed Dress Code PolicyYou Can Reestablish Your Failed Dress Code PolicyPolicy implementation can fail for many reasons. One of the most difficult policies to introduce, implement and integrate is a dress code. Whenever an employer attempts to legislate anything that is near and dear to the heart of employees, such as how they dress for work, widespread commitment is necessary, or the policy will fail. When Do Policies Fail? Policies fail when widespread belief about the need for the policy doesnt exist,they are adopted to address the behavior of a few employees instead of the workplace behavior of the many,they are perceived as owned by Human Resources instead of by line management,they allow no or insufficient management discretion for managers to make decisions about their team members behavior,commitment to enforcing the policy is a low priority, andthey are inconsistently administered and followed. Reader Question About Reestablishing a Dress Cod e Many readers have asked similar questions. This is what they are told. A reader says, We are a small- to mid-sized company (around 120 employees) and have a geschftliches miteinander casual dress policy here. This was instituted approximately six years ago and prior to that, there was no formal policy on the proper dress for work. We had people coming in- literally- in pajamas and bedroom slippers. So, now we have a highly detailed dress code with regulations on the number of inches above the knee that skirts will be deemed acceptable to the number of inches straps must be, due primarily to the lack of good judgment that was shown when there was no written policy. I know you are a proponent of a vague dress code, but what do you suggest that we do when employees exercise poor judgment when dressing for work without strict guidelines? The president of our company is not at all on board with enforcing the dress code here- he thinks its a total waste of time, so were beginning to ru n into a situation where (managers in particular) are saying to HR, What are you going to do? Send me home? They know that to upper management, the dress code is nowhere on the priority list. We want to loosen and simplify the dress code so that were not wasting time figuring out if someone is in violation with a dress that is three inches above the knee vs. two- yes, this is happening. (Those who have been given dress code warnings now tattle and make sure that everyone is following the policy to the letter.) Yet, we dont want to go back to such a vague dress code that we go back to where things were. To respond to this frequently asked reader question, here are tips about how to reestablish a dress code that has failed. Reestablish Your Failed Dress Code Policy You have hit upon exactly the reason why looser dress codes are preferable in the workplace. If you write a detailed policy, you have to assekuranzbrief it. And, your management is reacting just as expected. In the list of things that they have to accomplish, the dress code ranks low. In fact, because of their fear that it will demotivate and annoy employees, they are even less likely to enforce it. When the person in charge does not support it, all of this is predictable, sorry to say. All of this, as you have described, leads to all sorts of additional, dysfunctional behavior like your tattlers. You Want the Fewest Possible Policies You want to have asfew policies as possibleand never create a policy to manage the behavior of a few employees rather than the behavior of the many. You are much better off addressing unprofessional dress or behavior as it occurs than to subject your professionally dressed, positive employees to a policy. In your situation, because of all of this background, you need to put together a cross-functional team of employees, that includes managers, to redo the dress code so that it becomes a guideline that you dont need to police. For example, no three inches above an ything. Perhaps you can ban specific items such as jeans, sundresses, pajamas, running, and biking attire, without creating rules that are so tight that employees resist and mess up. It needs to highlight that you expect employees to dress professionally and to exhibit professional judgment in the clothes they wear to work. Then, you can republish the dress code policy with some across-the-company support. Have everyone sign it. Then, address problems as they occur. The policy must be simple and allow managerial discretion vs. inches from the knee. Ways to Reinforce the Dress Code In one company, the HR group worked with a couple of local stores to put on a fashion show for the demographic the company employed at the workplace. The stores also offered an employee discount for employees who attended. Other employers post picture albums of appropriate dress to help employees understand expectations. Here are business casual and casual dress code policies. You may also want to deci de in which direction you need to move toward in your workplace. Some workplaces require more formality than others. Err on the side of allowing your employees to dress more casually and comfortably For example, in a mid-sized technology company in Okemos, MI, the dress code was business casual until an employee asked the management team, why? Since the company rarely hosted customers on site once the company moved to a product development focus, no good reason for a business casual policy existed. So now the company policy is casual dress. In addition, these are options for various dress codes. Additional Resources about Dress Codes Business Casual Dress Code for Work ManufacturingA Formal, Professional Dress CodeDress Code for Customer Interaction and Trade Shows

Friday, December 13, 2019

How to ask for a raise without coming off as entitled

How to ask for a raise without coming off as entitledHow to ask for a raise without coming off as entitledEverybody in the world would like to be paid more than they do, regardless of whether they feel appreciated at work. But did you know that nearly half of Americans believe that theyre actuallyunderpaid?Its a tricky situation because were taught that we work in a fair system and should appreciate what weve got especially when good jobs are hard to come by. Its no wonder many workers find it difficult to ask for a raise for fear theyll come across as entitled.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreBut there is no shame in figuring out the value of what you do for your company. While wages tend to be structured, profit margins are more organic but its rarely the regular employee who benefits.Approaching your babo to ask for a raise involves two main changes in your mindset. On the f irst hand, being objective can help to remove the mystification that surrounds levels of pay. Do some research into what other people doing a similar job earn within your company and elsewhere. You can use a site like to get a clearer idea and take courses and development opportunities to up your value.Calculating what your work is worth can give you the confidence to proceed without feeling entitled. But conveying the right impression is a bit more of a soft skill. Your request shouldnt just be framed in terms of what you believe your work is worth, but what you feel you are achieving as part of the company.Use the word weto reflect that your heart is with the team and that youre keen to discuss how to move forward together.As long as youre well-prepared and you are willing to be flexible, theres no shame or danger in asking for a raise. And the majority of those who actually ask, get a positive reply. Weve created a new visual resource to help you get ready for that c onversation and to present your case without fear of appearing entitled.Isnt it time to get paid appropriately for the work you do?Resume.ioYou might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Definitive Solution for Words to Use in Resume That You Can Find Out About Today

The Definitive Solution for Words to Use in Resume That You Can Find Out About Today Keep in mind that a resume is the ideal opportunity to showcase everything you can do. Look at a chronological resume. Resume is not the purchase length Too frequently, job-seekers with 10 decades or mora of specialist experience will attempt to cram all that experience into a one-page resume. A resume isnt a personal history. Employing industry related words not only demonstrates you have the desired hard abilities and understanding needed in order to do the job, but using key buzzwords and language demonstrates that you also keep updated with the newest innovations. Knowing and accurately utilizing those words demonstrates you have the necessary hard skills. Use the resume words below to demonstrate that with a small zest. Make certain to include the essential words relevant for your profession. A resume template will steer you in formatting your document to accomplish a professional r epresentation of your abilities and experience. Keep in mind, when applying for a particular job, you must take it a step further whenever youre customizing resume templates. Resume templates are a fantastic means to start. A resume template may provide help. The Number One Question You Must Ask for Words to Use in Resume 1 easy method to understand what key words are important is to consider the work description. Power words are used for many explanations. Employing key words will assist the reader know right away that youve taken the opportunity to really read the posting and address their interests and requirements. Employing power words is the secret to success, but it is not the conclusion of the resume-writing story. Employing a custom resume instead of a generic one is going to greatly increase your odds of an interview, as youll be a better match in the view of the reader. Many times, you will receive ideas that improve the end product. Also you ought to keep in mi nd that resume keywords are searchable once you post your information online. Doing some good research on the web will guarantee you target the resume to the ideal places. Want to Know More About Words to Use in Resume? Take a look at key key account manager resume sample to find out more. Whether youre asking for a position in the private, nonprofit, or government sectors, being in a position to recognize and utilize key words is a vital skill. Use get points to make sure its very clear and simple to microsoft or scan through for key words regarding the word youre applying. While USAJOBS isnt a conventional Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) system like the majority of the private sector uses, key words continue to be important. What You Dont Know About Words to Use in Resume You require busy hiring words to quickly glean the information which you present. Unless clearly, you want to produce the recruiter cringe and unceremoniously reject your application. Recruiters real ly like to see numerically specific achievements, since they make otherwise vague descriptions a little more tangible. At times the work listing wont provide you all of the powerful keywords for resumes. Its essential to note that a few employers now utilize databases to scan resumes for keywords they need to see on resumes. As a way to pass that search, you should have the suitable collection of keywords for your resume. Resume keywords showcase your particular skills. The Dos and Donts of Words to Use in Resume Youve responded to a lot of on-line job ads and uploaded your resume to a variety of recruitment web websites, but nobody is calling to invite you for an interview. All you need to do is download the perfect one to suit your information and the sort of job which you are looking for. The majority of people are qualified to do several forms of jobs. There are free and job websites that charge a fee. Based on your specific situationone will be more proper for you than the others. From word choice to the work experience you decide to include, you must be targeting the requirements of the specific hiring manager youre attempting to stand out to. Instead, concentrate on the qualities and attributes that airlines are seeking in their cabin crew. Target all kinds of job boards instead of only the reputed ones to have a wider reach. 25 to 30 is a great number, all pieces of a resume included. Well, in-calls give you moresecurity.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Globalization Initializing Your Recruitment Process Overseas - Spark Hire

Globalization Initializing Your Recruitment Process Overseas - Spark HireWhen it comes to globalizing your brand, the inevitability that you will have to hire employees from around the world to help your geschftlicher umgang meet its goals is strong. The challenge, however, is recruiting a staff capable of moving past the issues that distance present.As your new employees overseas will be the ones responsible for making the first impression in the new region you are expanding to, the process of recruiting can become that much more difficult. The question is how can you successfully expand your search to an international level, with minimal risk?Networking Social MediaAs a small business, networking plays a key role in finding potential hires. Reaching out to business associates and employees (current and former) can serve as a way to connect with individuals who may be qualified enough to be a part of your team. If youre lucky, they may even know contacts in foreign countries who ca n help you with your international recruiting efforts.As far as social networking platforms go, LinkedIn will likely be your primary connection source. In addition to creating a keyword-rich professional profile to attract prospective employees, you have the ability to search for potential employees based on references from people you personally trust.While Linkedin is likely the best networking tool an expanding business can utilize for its recruitment process, your social media efforts cant stop there. If your business has social media pages, post open positions in your status updates. Its a free way to get the word out and your posts can be seen and shared by anyone within your network. In many cases, word-of-mouth is still the best marketing methodStaffing AgenciesBecause they already have the connections you need and are knowledgeable of the idiosyncrasies of the region where you are looking to hire new employees, staffing agencies can be a great help with international recruit ment. Some agencies often have greater experience in overseas staffing, so be sure to do your research.Job BoardsJob boards, like Careerbuilder and Monster, have both national and international job listings. As with national staffing agencies, working with international job boards that deal with international recruitment will be beneficial because of their experience with hiring foreign employees.unternehmensverbund an international candidate search doesnt have to be any more difficult than filling a position locally. But when you do eventually find the perfect candidate, be sure to understand the different laws and regulations of the country you are looking to hire from. Recognizing the array of online tools completely dedicated to the hiring process is an integral aspect to actually hiring someone. In the past, many a business would be deterred from hiring outside of their comfort zone because of distance. But the Internet has provided the world with an array of assets that make e very day tasks an afterthought.How do you recruit your employees overseas? Share your comments belowAbout the AuthorHilary Smithis an online writer who is experienced in the fields of business communications and globalization. Her blog,, also covers internet telephony, virtualization, and business marketing strategies.Image STori/